Traffic Light System
By now we're all familiar with the traffic light system. Rotorua started at red and then moved to orange. It is likely this could change in the future. These rules for us apply at both red and orange.
General retail stores like booksellers do not need to check vaccine certificates, as we are low risk and not considered a close contact business.
However, masks are mandatory and will need to be worn the whole time you're in the store. If you have an exemption please have this ready when you enter the store. You also need to socially distance. Please do not come in if you have flu-like symptoms.
QR codes are found throughout the shop and there are tracer slips at the counter. If you can't scan in using your phone, fill one of these slips out and put it in the box provided. These are all things you're familiar with and we want to thank everyone for their understanding and patience.
For more information on the traffic light system check out the Covid-19 website.